For this tutorial you will need the materials in the zip file below.
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This tutorial was written using Paint Shop Pro 2020 Ultimate. Plugins used in this tutorial are Alf's Border FX/Border Checkers, Mura's Meister/Perspective, AlienSkin Xenofex2/Burnt Edges and Simple/Top Left Mirror, also effects of PSP itself. Place the Selections into your PSP Files/Selections folder and Export the brush into your PSP Brushes/Brushs folder. Unzip the Materials in a folder you make on your desktop called Being Pensive. Duplicate the tubes and use the duplicates to work with. Close out the originals to keep them from getting deleted. Save your work often! To work this tutorial, it is helpful if you have some working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro.
Use the PointingFinger below to mark your place along the way.
1. In Materials Palette, set the Foreground to color #9a3e32, Background color to #000000.
2. Using these colors, set Materials Palette to Gradient, Radial, Angle 45/Repeats 3, Invert unchecked, Corel 06_029 foreground-background, Center Points H and V at 50.
3. Open a New Image 750px by 900px. Flood fill with Gradient.
4. Adjust/Blur/Gaussian Blur, Radius 82.
5. Effects/MuRa's Meister/Perspective Tiling. Change Height to 50.
6. Duplicate. Image/Flip. Flip Vertical.
7. Objects/Align/Top to move duplicate to top.
8. Merge/Merge Down.
9. Open 18a192e1264f4e1cc6a3eabc74d319f4 jpg. Copy/Paste as New Layer.
10. Image/Resize/Resize by 50%/Resize all layers unchecked.
11. Image/Mirror. Mirror Horizontal.
12. Set Background color in Materials Palette to #c2b195.
13. AlienSkin Xenofex 2/Burnt Edges. Click on small background color to change Burn Color.
14. Adjust/Sharpness/Sharpen.
15. Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow. Vertical 20, Horizontal 20, Opacity 50, Blur 25, color #000000.
16. Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow. Vertical -20, Horizontal -20, Opacity 50, Blur 25, color #000000.
17. Layers/New Raster Layer.
18. Selections/Load/Save Selection. Load Selections from Disk. From drop down arrow, find SelectionBeingPensive. Load.
19. Selections/Invert. Flood inside selection with color #c2b195. Modify/Contract Selection by 5px. Delete. Deselect all.
20. Duplicate. Image/Resize/Resize by 90%/Resize all layers unchecked.
21. Merge/Merge Down.
22. Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel. Apply 2 times.
23. Objects/Align/Center of Canvas.
24. Layers/New Raster Layer.
25. From tool bar select Paint Brush/Brush Strokes Bricks 100. Leave at default settings.
26. Using background color, right click to stamp the bricks brush at top left corner outside of rectangle selection as seen below.
27. Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel.
28. Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow. Vertical -7, Horizontal -7, Opacity 50, Blur 18, color #000000.
29. Effects/Edge Effects/Enhance.
30. Effects/Simple. Top left Mirror.
31. Image/Add Borders/Add 4px border, Symmetric checked. Color #c2b195.
32. Effects/Alf's Border FX/Border Checkers.
33. Using Magic Wand, activate all of the white in border checkers and the 4px border as well.
34. Layers/New Raster Layer.
35. From tool bar, select flood fill tool, color #c2b195. Right click to flood fill all of the activated areas surrounding the image.
36. Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel. Same as in Step 27. Deselect.
37. Merge/Merge Down.
38. Effects/Alien Skin Xenofex2/Burnt Edges. Click on the dot Fill with solid color/click small background color #c2b195.
39. Adjust/Sharpness/Sharpen.
40. Sign your name or leave watermark. Save as a .jpg image.
Thank you Pam for checking this tutorial for me. I appreciate all of your PSP work you help me with. January 18, 2025.
If you are going to use this tutorial for stationery, cards or place the tutorial/tag on another site, I would appreciate you contacting me for permission, giving Arasimages credit for the original tutorial and if possible, a link back to my site. Thank you.
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